Sunday, February 6, 2011

Brussels Sprouts...

Have you ever tried the little fellows? You know the mini cabbages? Your mom probably bought them in the bag from the frozen vegetable section at the local grocery market. That is how I always buy them. And I like them. But no one else does. Not even the husband. And he doesn't even fake liking them and complain later. He just does not eat them. At all.

Well, I keep hearing that the fresh ones are good. Like other people like them. Their families like them. So I put them on my mental grocery list. You know the one. "I need to remember to buy them if I see them, cause no one else in the family will." So today in Costco the big 2 lb bag of fresh brussel sprouts was calling my name. I put them in my cart with other "oddities" like snap peas, celery, and cucumbers. The children were not thrilled.

Shortly after arriving home I started hearing, "I'm hungry!" A quick snack and Mama was off to research brussels sprouts. I decided on a meal of whole wheat spaghetti and sauce, brussel sprouts, avocados and fresh bread. I know, lots of starch. We originally talked about tomato sauce, but decided that maybe pesto would go better. I don't put pine nuts in pesto, but the kids love the garlic, basil, cheese concoction that I came up with. I cut the avocados and sliced the bread.

Meanwhile I soaked the halved sprouts in salty water. Then tossed in oil, salt, and pepper. Finally placed them cut side down on the tray and carefully put in the oven at 475. Took them out in about 15 minutes. Got everything ready and called the kids.

They were excited to see the spaghetti dish. A nice bowl for each. A slice of bread. And the brussels sprouts and avocados in the center of the table. And excitement...until they saw the sprouts.

The excitement became dread as they exclaimed, "You are not going to make us eat those!"

Quietly I responded, "Just one." Groans ensue. I didn't say anything else about it until they asked for seconds on the pasta. Then just a quiet, "What about the sprouts?"

Little Lady was first. She tried the tiniest one we could find. She popped it in, looked at her brother and exclaimed, "You have to try it, it tastes like fries." Salt definitely helps doesn't it.

He grudgingly tried one as well, but his was spit out with a big, "Yuck, leafy!" When he realized he wouldn't get anything else, he popped it back and chugged some water. He was not happy about it though!!!

And me? Tastes like fries was a pretty good description. Yummy little brussels sprout fries!!! I think they may make it onto the table again. At least once until the big bag is finished.