Monday, March 14, 2011

Long days and weeks...

Sometimes life seems to fly by, other moments creep. My days and weeks lately have been long! Between my body dragging these days, my work outside and inside the home, and the needs of those people around me each day life certainly can drag. I am so ready for a break! Many days it feels like the focus is difficult to take off my own little existence and its struggles.

I then look at those around me and realize that I can keep my life in perspective. A friend's child is seeing how fragile life is as she sees one of her young pals mourn the death of her mother. I watch as a child from our school battles life threatening cancer and her family faces medical bills that tower out of reach. I see so many sad faces as the world watches Japan face natural disasters and their impending tragic effect on life all over their country and potentially their impact on the world.

Many prayers going out, lighting a candle for those who need to see the Light...

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