Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Year...New ???

So the New Year is here! In fact it is almost a month in. Honestly, I was hoping to blog more. Instead it seems I am blogging less. So much for a new leaf! So here are some things I have done since January 1st...

Started using an agenda book to keep track.
Visited the dentist with an infected tooth.
Started cooking more at home.
Got report cards done for 2nd quarter.
Enjoyed time with my husband.
Done the day to day stuff with the kids.
Spent some time with friends.
Worked hard.
Played Bunco.

So not too bad, eh? I never did resolutions this year. Just didn't really get to finishing them. I did look back at last years and's all good...I succeeded at mine. I said I would make an effort to be more earth friendly and recycle/reuse/repurpose in a way that was more efficient than I had been. And I did.

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