Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Mama Osprey

As I drove down Rt. 6, I couldn't believe how big the baby osprey had gotten. I finally could see it's head above the nest box edge. I made a u turn, pulled over across the street away from them and pulled out my camera. I don't know what caught her attention first- the crazy u turn or the sound of the window rolling down, but by the time the camera was out she had spotted me.

She started screaming at me! Her baby quickly hid. My babies started warning me from the backseat "You'd better not get out of the car, she looks like she's gonna get you!" She screamed loudly at me and watched me like a hawk (pun intended).

She made it very clear she wasn't about to let me get any good shots of the baby even when I left and came back further away in a different spot. I guess I can't blame her, I'd do the same for my kids. It was a beautiful sight and a fun experience as I learn how to work with my camera.

Don't forget to click on the pictures to see them larger. The one where she is staring at me is really cool when larger!

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